Keynotes & More
Inner Space: Ocean Ontologies and Submarine Light
Plenary speaker. (And respondent to Ocean in Excess panel). American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. April 6-10, 2020. (postponed to April 7-11, 2023).
World Literature and the Problem of the Universal,
Keynote. The Nobel Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, 18-21 August, 2022.
The Animacy of Ice
Keynote. New Zealand Studies Association conference. Aix-Marseille University's Centre de Recherche et de Documentation sur l'Océanie (CREDO), Marseille, France. July 5-8, 2022.
Revisiting Archipelagraphy: Caribbean Visual Arts
Keynote and workshop. Center for the Humanities, Islands as Metaphor and Method series, Wesleyan University, May 5-6, 2022.
Outer Spaces: Reimagining the ends of the Earth
Keynote. Planetary Drifts Conference, University of Montreal, Canada. April 23, 2022.
Keynote and workshop. Postcolonial Literature Forum. University of Wisconsin, Madison. April 22, 2022.
Keynote. New Zealand Studies Annual Conference. Islands on Sale: New Zealand and Pacific Arts in the Global Marketplace, Regents University, London, UK. 30 June-1 July 2017.
Drawn in and by Water
Keynote. Oceanic Imaginaries Conference. Rietveld Academie and Stedilijk Museum, Amsterdam, Holland. March 23-26, 2022.
Diving Deep: Island Perspectives on the Oceanic Imaginary
Keynote and seminar leader. Oceanic Imaginaries speaker and seminar series, Institute of Contemporary Art, Miami, Florida, October 18-19, 2021.
Poetry in the Wake of Pacific Militarism
Keynote. Department of English, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea, June 28, 2021.
Domesticating ‘Inner Space’
Plenary Speaker and workshop participant. Laws of the Sea Quarterly Workshop. Research Council of Norway. February 2020-May 2021 (7 day-long sessions).
Blue Ocean Being
Keynote. The Feminist Art Project Day of Panels, College Art Association Conference. New York, NY. February 13, 2021.
How Islands make the Anthropocene Visible
Invited speaker. The International Symposium on Anthropocene Studies, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, South Korea. Dec. 10-11, 2019.
Towards a Critical Ocean Studies for the Anthropocene
Invited speaker and workshop. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Nov 7-8, 2018.
Invited speaker. University of Ghent, Belgium. October 21, 2019.
Island Imaginaries in the Anthropocene
Keynote.Launch of MA Art and Environment Programme, TU Dublin. October 8, 2020.
Caribbean Afro-futurisms
Invited speaker. Research Group- Empires of Memory, Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, University of Göttingen, Germany. October 10, 2019.
Archipelagic Thinking Symposium
Invited speaker and workshop. Art Departments of the Technical University, Dublin, Ireland, and Universidad de las Artes, Guayaquil. Guayaquil and the Galápagos, Ecuador. July 25-27, 2019.
Island Studies: Toward Islands’ Self-Sustainability and Determination
Invited Speaker. RIIS International Symposium. University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan. March 1-2, 2019.
Shipscapes: Imagining an Ocean of Space
Keynote. 37th Annual West Indian Literature Conference. Miami, FL, Oct 4-6, 2018.
An Island is a World
Keynote. Two Canaries of Climate Change Conference. South Pacific Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies (SPECIALS). Sydney, Australia. February 14-16, 2018.
The Tattooed ‘Berg: Memories of Ice
Keynote and workshop. Oceanic Memory Conference, University of Christchurch, Aotearoa/NZ, November 30-December 2, 2017.
Allegories of the Anthropocene
Keynote. 3rd Annual Nina Mae Kellogg Lecture, Portland State University, October 19, 2017.
Transoceanic Imaginaries: Our Seas of Plastic
Keynote and workshop. Grounding the Ecocritical: Mellon Sawyer Seminar, University of Washington, St Louis. Oct 9-10, 2017.
Global Ecologies/Local Impacts Conference
Keynote. Sydney Environmental Institute, University of Sydney, Australia. 23-25 November 2016.
Figuring Worlds EH Seminar with Joni Adamson
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. 21 November 2016.
Future of Wild Europe Conference
Keynote and professionalization workshop in the Environmental Humanities. The University of Leeds, UK. 11–14 September 2016.
Caribbean and Pacific Island Studies
Keynote and seminar. Archipelagoes Seminar. Center for Cultural Analysis, Rutgers University, November 10-11, 2015.
Maritime Futures of the Anthropocene
Invited speaker. The Future of the Environmental Humanities Symposium. University of Utah and BYU, September 24-27, 2015.
Ecotones and Oceanic Futures of the Anthropocene
Keynote & seminar on the Environmental Humanities. “Ecotones and Oceanic Futures of the Anthropocene.” New Ecotones Conference, Université Paul-Valéry, Montpellier, France. June 11-13, 2015.
Moments in Passing:’ Maritime Futures of the Anthropocene
Keynote. Planetary, Art/Curating Research Symposium, Department of Art, Goldsmiths, London, UK. February 12-13, 2015.
Oceanic Imaginaries in the Anthropocene
Invited Speaker. International Geographic Union Commission on Islands Conference, Penghu, Taiwan, October 1-3, 2013.
Keynote and seminar. Postcolonial Studies Association, University of York, UK. July 2, 2014.
Legacies of the Oceanic Turn
Invited Speaker. “Legacies of the Oceanic Turn.” Harvard University, Graduate School of Design. April 25, 2014.
States of Waste
Keynote. Australia-New Zealand American Studies Association, U of Sydney, Australia, December 4-5, 2014.
The Sea is Rising: Oceanic Imaginaries in the Anthropocene
Keynote and seminar. “The Sea is Rising: Oceanic Imaginaries in the Anthropocene.” 4th Annual Tufts Graduate Humanities Conference Eco-Imaginaries, Boston, MA. Oct 10, 2014.
Visualizing Climate Change
Invited Speaker. Meteorologies of Modernity: Climate Change and Weather in the Contexts of Postcolonialism and Globalization. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany. June 26-28, 2014.
The Sea is Rising: Visualizing Climate Change in the Pacific
Keynote. “The Sea is Rising: Visualizing Climate Change in the Pacific.” USC Department of American Studies & Ethnicity, Transpacific Studies Series. December 11, 2013.
Caribbean Diaspora and Seas of Waste
Keynote. Institute for Contemporary French and Francophone Studies, University of Florida, Tallahassee. Nov 19, 2013.
Ordinary Futures: The Anthropocene, Apocalypse, and Adaptation
Invited speaker. The History and Politics of the Anthropocene Conference. University of Chicago, May 17-18, 2013.
Multispecies Worldings in the Anthropocene
Invited speaker and seminar. “Multispecies Wordings in the Anthropocene.” Rice University, February 15, 2013.
Plot and Provision Grounds: Excavating Jamaican Roots
Invited Speaker. Plantation Symposium with Sidney Mintz & John McNeil. Department of Anthropology, Stanford University, December 2, 2013.
The Poetics of Comparative Island Ecologies
Keynote. Landscape, Seascape, and the Spatial Imagination Conference, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan, October 5, 2013.
Seas of History, Seas of Waste
Invited speaker. “Seas of History, Seas of Waste.” Beyond the Line: Cultural Constructions of the Sea Workshop. Institute of Asian and African Studies. Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. June 22-23, 2012.
Floating Words and Other Transoceanic Worldings
Invited speaker. Oceanic Archives and Transnational American Studies Symposium. Hong Kong University, June 4-6, 2012.
Satellite Planetarity: Militarism and the Ends of the Earth
Invited speaker. Other World Literatures Conference. University of Maryland, College Park, MD. Nov 3-4, 2011.
Tree of Life, Shells of War
Invited speaker. Commodities and Migration Conference. NYU. December 8-10, 2011.
States of Waste: Ecologies of (Night) Soil
Keynote. The Caribbean: Ecology, Aesthetics, Politics Conference. University of Warwick, UK, Sept 23-25, 2011.
Island Laboratories, Ecosystem Ecologies
Invited speaker. Islands, Images, Imaginaries Symposium. Duke University, April 1-2, 2011.
Ecosystem Ecology and the AEC
Keynote. Nature Culture Seminar, University of Kansas. March 17, 2011.
Reading Literature and Place: Postcolonial/Global/Planetarity
Keynote. Graduate Alumni Speaker Series. The University of Maryland at College Park. September 3, 2010.
Island Laboratories, Radiation Ecologies
Keynote. Finding their Place: Islands in Social Theory. Islands Commission of the International Geographical Union (IGU). Hven, Sweden: August 27-30, 2010.
Yam, Roots and Rot: Excavating the Soil of the Provision Grounds
Invited speaker. 2008-2009 Tod Spieker Colloquium Series, Department of Geography, UCLA. December 4, 2009.
Colonial Food Exchange and the Provision Grounds
Invited speaker. It’s a Matter of Taste: Food in World History. Summer Program for Teachers. Latin American Institute, UCLA. August 4, 2009.
Ecological Time and the Nuclear Pacific
Invited speaker. Beyond Environmentalism Conference. UC Santa Barbara, May 22-3, 2009.
Teaching the Pacific Wars of Light
Invited speaker. Invited Speaker. Unlearning the American Pacific: Anti-Colonial Pedagogies Conference, UCLA, April 10, 2009.
Pacific Wars of Light
Invited speaker. Department of English lecture series. University of Nevada, Reno. February 23, 2009.
Excavating the Soil of the Provision Grounds
Invited speaker. Food and Sustainability Conference. UC Santa Barbara, February 5-7, 2009.
Island Writing, Creole Cultures
Invited speaker. The Cambridge History of Postcolonial Literature Conference. The University of Toronto, September 18-21, 2008.
Transplanting the Roots of Empire
Invited speaker. Race, Empire & Captivity Conference. Colonialism and its Aftermath Project. The University of Tasmania. Longford, Tasmania. July 22-23, 2005.
Island Transplantations: Breadfruit and other Bounties
Invited speaker. East-West Center, University of Hawai’i, Manoa. April 27, 2004.
Global Tropicalities: 18th-century Diasporas of the Breadfruit Bounty
Invited speaker. Other Globalizations: Histories, Trans-regionalisms, and Cultural Formations Conference. UC Santa Cruz, CA. February 21, 2004.
Gardening in the Tropics: Excavating the Roots of Island Transplantation
Center for Cultural Studies Colloquium Series. UC Santa Cruz, CA. November 12, 2003.
Routes and Roots: Teaching Pacific Literatures
Invited speaker. Pacific Islands, Atlantic Worlds Symposium. Asian/Pacific/American Studies Program, New York University. October 25-27, 2001.